Positional Coaching

There is a common misconception that you buy a new bike, you get a bike fit and that is it. No further consideration needs to be given to your riding position, you just need to knuckle down and ride your bike. However, for many cyclists this is not the case. Cyclists, as with all athletes, change over time. What is often overlooked by many of these cyclists is that their bike position should change with them.

What is Positional Coaching?

For some cyclists they may become weaker over time due to aging, injury or simply having had some time off the bike. As such their cycling position may need to become more relaxed or adapted to prevent further injury. Others, however, will grow stronger over time and may want their bike position to become more aggressive to maximise performance.

This principle of growth and adaptation links very closely to what, we at PFP, refer to as positional coaching. Positional coaching is about working with an athlete (i.e. cyclist or triathlete) over time to improve their position on the bike. With many sports it takes far more than one lesson to master the techniques required to excel - cycling is no exception!

Who Can Benefit from Positional Coaching?

At PFP we see many athletes who approach us wanting a really aggressive and fast position but lack the strength or flexibility to achieve this at the current time (this is no criticism, we as cyclists have also been guilty of this). However, through targeted exercises, practise and regular feedback these aspirations can become a reality.

From February 2021 PFP will be offering Positional Coaching Packages. These packages will be individually tailored to each athlete dependent upon their needs and goals. For some this may be to become more aerodynamic and increase their speed, whilst for others it may be increasing the sustainability of their current position in order to complete an ultra-distance event.

Positional Coaching Packages at PFP

At PFP we strongly believe in specificity so all our packages will incorporate an exercise program designed to address your biomechanical weaknesses and replicate the movement patterns we see on the bike. We also analyse your position both in the studio and on the road (with either our Notio Aerometer or Leomo Motion Analysis software) at both casual and race pace. In addition you will have the opportunity to send regular videos of your position for our team to analyse. You need to be training in a position you intend to race because ultimately practise is what will help you adapt and improve.

Below we have included an example of how a Positional Coaching package, for an athlete looking to improve their aerodynamics, may work over a six month period:

Month 1 - Bike Fit with Insole and Saddle Pressure Mapping

Month 2 - Digital Review of Position

Month 3 - Coaching Session using Virtual Wind Tunnel

Month 4 - Digital Review of Position 

Month 5 - Notio Outdoor Aero Testing

Month 6 - Digital Review of Position

Throughout this period you will receive an exercise program (adapted as required) and regular correspondence with the team at PFP. This comprehensive package would cost approximately 1000SEK a month. We also offer a basic package (without the Pressure Mapping and Outdoor Aero Testing) which would come in around 500SEK a month. 

If you have any questions about our positional coaching packages please contact us at info@painfreepower.se. You can also use your Friskvard Allowance towards this service. 

Iain Findlay
Lead Bike Fitter at PFP Sweden

Contact Us

If you would like any more information about positional coaching or any of our other services please get in touch.